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Doctors divide a woman's pregnancy into three approximately equal periods known as trimesters. Each of the trimesters corresponds to a different part of the pregnancy, and the pregnancy experience, and most importantly, the development of baby.

On this page, we provide an oveview of the three trimesters of pregnancy, but for more details on each trimester, please see:
  • 1st Trimester by Lynn Shannon M. Bailey
    Information about the first Trimester of pregnancy.

  • 2nd Trimester by Liza D. Janda, and Apurva Shree
    Information about the second Trimester of pregnancy.

  • 3rd Trimester by Anupriya Jain
    Information about the third Trimester of pregnancy.

Development Of The Baby - What Happens In The Three Trimesters?
By Apurva Shree

The nine months that mark the development of the baby from a single cell into a miniature human being is one of the most awesome events of human life. These nine months are divided into three trimesters, known as the pregnancy trimesters that mark the various stages of development of the fetus into a baby. The first trimester of pregnancy is the first 14 week period- the beginning from the first day of the LMP (last menstrual period). The second trimester is 14th to 28th week of pregnancy and third is from 28th to birth, generally up to the 40th week.

Development Of Baby In The First Trimester Of Pregnancy

The first trimester is an exciting time for the would-be mother. She is getting used to the joy of bringing a new life into this world. In this trimester, many visible physical changes do not take place. But most of the women experience certain physical discomforts like morning sickness, nausea, exhaustion etc. They also experience terrible mood swings and the craving for certain kinds of food. There is a general feeling of physical discomfort throughout the first trimester. This is because of the various hormonal changes taking place in the body. The body is getting ready to nurture the fetus into a fully formed human being. This stage is also crucial because most of the miscarriages happen in this stage.

At the end of the first trimester, even though the baby is not completely formed, the heart starts beating. The eyes, ears, nose and digestive system are beginning to form in this trimester. The fetus now weighs around 1.5 ounces and is about 3 to 4 inches in length.

Second Trimester Of Pregnancy

The second trimester is the most enjoyable phase of pregnancy. The physical discomforts of the first trimester lessen in this stage. This stage is marked by the maximum development of the baby. Most of the major organs are completely formed and start to function in the second trimester of pregnancy. Eyebrows, fingernails etc. are formed in this trimester. The skin also gets covered with fine hair. By the mid of the second trimester, the mother can feel the baby moving inside her womb. In this stage, the mother's body is continuously expanding to accommodate the developing baby. By the end of the second trimester, the baby is 11 - 14 inches lengthwise and weighs around 2.5 pounds.

Development Of Baby In The Third Trimester Of Pregnancy

The third trimester of pregnancy is the most exciting and the busiest for the parents-to-be. This is the time to shop for the baby, decorate the nursery, attend child birth classes, pack for the hospital etc. Baby showers are thrown in this trimester. The physical changes in this trimester make the mother very uncomfortable. She experiences back pain, trouble in breathing, frequent urination, swelling in the limbs etc. The stomach becomes quite large and heavy, making it difficult for her to lie down or sleep.

By this time the baby would have fully descended into the pelvis from the abdominal region. By around the 37th week, the baby attains its full development and is a miniature human being. Delivery any time after this week is considered safe.

Pregnancy and delivering a healthy baby is the most miraculous incident of human life. Good nutrition, adequate exercise and sufficient pregnancy week by week care in the three trimesters are essential for the healthy development of the baby.

The development of the baby carries on all along the pregnancy trimesters []

Pregnancy week by week [] care is the most essential in the first trimester of pregnancy [] when the fetus begins its journey of life.

Article Source:

      Pregnancy Recorder

   Pregnancy Calculator
   Pregnancy Calendar
   Pregnancy Journaling
   Pregnancy Scrapbook
      1st Trimester
      2nd Trimester
      3rd Trimester


Pregnancy Web Sites:

Books about Diet During Pregnancy

Fit & Healthy Pregnancy Guide

Pregnancy Without Pounds

Slim Mom Secrets

Visualize Your Stage of Pregnancy on Your PC

Baby Shower Games
75 Beautifully-Designed, Unique Baby Shower Games!

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